Non-US IMG USMLE Scores in the Match

Source: Resident Cafe Previously we showed the USMLE scores of US IMGs in the 2013 Match.  Please click on the link for definitions of US and non-US IMG.  In 2013, 5100 US IMG and 7600 non-US IMG applied for residency.  The following tables are for non-US IMGs in the 2013 Match. Specialty Matched Internal Medicine 1690 Family Medicine 293 Pediatrics 278[…]

Residency Chances of Offshore Medical School Graduates

Source: KevinMD via Skeptical Scalpel  A year ago in a post about law school applications decreasing, I speculated about whether a similar phenomenon would occur with medical schools. In that post, I commented on the impending problem of too many medical school graduates and not enough residency training positions. I cited an article that appeared in the New[…]

Changes to USMLE® 2014 – 2015

Source: As medicine and medical education have changed over the years, so have USMLE examinations evolved since they were first administered in 1992. This is a brief summary of planned changes for the next few years. USMLE STEP 3 What WILL change? What WILL NOT change? Beginning November 3, 2014, examinees will: [list type=”check”][…]

The 2014 GME Residency Match Results: Is There Really A “GME Squeeze”?

Source: Health Affairs Blog By Edward Salsberg Each spring thousands of seniors at medical and osteopathic schools and other physicians apply for positions in graduate medical education (GME) training programs; simultaneously, thousands of training programs rank their preferred candidates.  Based on the preferences of the medical student/physician applicants and the training programs, the two are[…]

Why The Residency Matching System For Newly Minted M.D.'s Still Works

Source: Forbes By John Squiers, Adam Harris and Adam Bennett — Messrs. Squiers, Harris, and Bennett are M.D. candidates in the Class of 2016 at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Our colleague recently wrote about the National Resident Matching Program (more commonly known as “the Match”), the system by which United States medical school graduates and foreign-trained physicians are[…]

Primary Care Is Cool Again

Source: Primary Care Progress By Anoop Raman, M.D., M.B.A. Much of the news we hear about primary care is disheartening at best, frightening at worst. Most of us have heard that there is a shortage of primary doctors, and with over seven million new patients enrolled (and counting) through Obamacare health exchanges, that shortage is going to get[…]