Match Timeline for Graduates

The following list may be incomplete, feel free to add anything in the comments! June                                                                                                                                                                        – Determine eligibility – US Residency Programs & Licensure Requirements Schedule – If you haven’t scheduled your CS by now, do so immediately! – ERAS Tokens July                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 – Submit Supporting Documents – AAMC’s MyERAS opens August                                                                                                                                                                     – Track Supporting Documents[…]

CREOG Clearinghouse

This is the CREOG Clearinghouse Hotline for Ob-Gyn residency positions. The following information has been updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2013. All positions are available immediately unless otherwise indicated. THERE ARE NO PGY 1 POSITION(S) AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME PGY 2 POSITION(S) AVAILABLE Christiana Care Health Services: Newark, DE Unexpected PGY-2 position available due to[…]

Doctor Shortage Strains Practices

All the more reason to gain as much quality USCE& LORs in support of your residency application.  You can make a difference in small under-served area of the US desperate for quality physicians. Source: The Daily Nightly It’s a national health care crisis. There just aren’t enough doctors in our country. The shortage has hit[…]

Doctor Shortage Strains Practices

All the more reason to gain as much quality USCE& LORs in support of your residency application.  You can make a difference in small under-served area of the US desperate for quality physicians. Source: The Daily Nightly It’s a national health care crisis. There just aren’t enough doctors in our country. The shortage has hit[…]