Reminding Medical Students and Residents to Shake Off the Cynicism

Source: KevinMD Attending physicians have great responsibility. We have ultimate responsibility for patient care and for medical education. Medical education involves sharing facts, the thought process and bedside manner. Recently we had a “frequent flyer” admission. For a few years, the housestaff labelled this patient as non-compliant – and even wrote it in his chart.[…]

The Importance of IMG’s Acclimatizing Themselves Before / During Residency

Increasing Cultural Competency The thing that makes the healthcare industry so sought after here in the U.S. is the diversity.  You have physicians from all over the globe, with different cultural backgrounds and experiences, prepared to go through the cut throat competition to successfully acquire a seat in a graduate medical education program, aka residency[…]

NYACP Members Involved in Medical

ATTENTION NYACP Members Involved in Medical Research … An Invitation to Get Involved A small group of NYACP physician members involved in medical research recently met via conference call and expressed interest in a Chapter focus on research activities. We invite you to get involved.  If you are currently conducting, considering or actively exploring formal research[…]

Infographic: Is Your Medical Record Safe?

Source: HIT Consultant A single patient’s medical record is worth $50 on the black market, according to data reported at the Digital Health Conference in New York City.  Leading industry experts expect the frequency, severity, and impact of data breaches to escalate with global networks and use of advanced sinister technologies, threatening consumers’ information. Simply put, stolen patient records is[…]

Why Online Patient Communities are Better than Real Life Support Groups

Source: David Lee Scher, MD A support group  has many potential benefits, some of which include improving coping skills, reducing anxiety, depression, isolation, ignorance about the condition and others.  Online patient communities (OPCs) are a recent phenomenon.  Some are open (with respect to type of member or fee) and some are more focused and closed.  Irrespective of[…]

Synergistic Impacts of Healthcare and Social Media: An Observational Study

Source: David Lee Scher, MD There have been many articles written on the impact of social media on healthcare. Likewise, healthcare is transforming social media into a ‘place’ to obtain information on specific diseases, creating patient and provider support in online communities like PatientsLikeMe and Treatment Diaries, and improving communication among providers and between providers[…]